Your Nourish to Flourish Community Membership

Join our Community and receive access to The Domino Diet Course-Rethinking Diets, Weekly emails with Tips, Checklists, Guides, Recipes, Meal Plans, Nutrition Facts and more.  PLUS access to Live Q&A Sessions and Teachings with Karie!

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What is the Nourish to Flourish Community?

The NtFC is ...



You will have access to the your Nourish to Flourish Community of likeminded individuals who are ready for a new path with a new formula and support team. Together you will experience a journey of transformation. In this community, you will have the opportunity to share wins, resources, recipes and ask questions. You will also receive weekly tips, guides, motivational affirmations and videos. 

Plus you will be invited to LIVE Q&A Sessions hosted by Karie and time for interactions with your fellow participants. 

AND you will have access to It is an online course called...

 The Domino Diet Course-Phase 1-Rethinking Diets and The Domino Diet: How to Heal You from the Inside Out Book.  

The Domino Diet Course is comprised of 4 modules, each with 3-6 lessons.  There are videos to watch, recipe booklets, handouts, checklists, menus and documents to download.  

What's our community all about?

Essentially, we help one another with the guidance of professional knowledge to rewire paradigms and adopt a way of life "kick start"... healing of old ways, diagnosis and symptom level thinking, and "old diet patterns".  It is a way to look at NEW ways to nourish-to-flourish.  This means rethinking diets.  It means inserting new thoughts and food relationships.  It means knowing how to switch tracks when we are in our survival mode….and go from surviving to thriving….2nd chances for our 2nd half….and living with energy, vibrancy, vitality with a little vanity too. ;) 

 “You can not out-perform your own self image”—Maxwell Maltz says it best.

A way of life isn’t a stand alone program, it’s a journey. It isn’t a mind or body or spirit-alone journey, it’s an integration. It’s knowing your hidden barriers of success and self-sabotage.  It’s also about understanding that the body is made with an intelligent design beyond our conscious mind….we do not decide to breathe ourselves or pump our heart---it’s all happening by design.  We just want to "hop on board" and align with a harmonious way to up level it.

The word "diet" comes from the Greek word Diata which means 'way of life'

The Nourish to Flourish Community along with The Domino Diet Course is all about understanding this inner intelligence, understanding ourselves and what makes us unique, and tapping into it.

As unique as your thumb print, you will help design a blueprint for how to live healthy and free of outdated diet thinking! 


What is involved?

The community consists of Live Sessions that meets to discuss real life struggles, share tips and strategies and allows for support and accountability.

The course is designed for you to go at your own pace but with a community to help create momentum with a gentle accountability structure.  Many have experienced the most effectiveness when the create new habits and studies show that having support is key! 

What is required of you?
To experience healing and or releasing weight results, you will receive announcements and emails where you can chose when you want to log in and be a part of a conversation, share a tip, receive support in times of struggle, ask questions, suggest a recipe and so on. Karie will also provide Live session with teachings such as Label Reading, Understanding Cravings, Eating Out Tips and so much more.  Requests are always welcomed also. 

Opportunities to connect with Karie are provided throughout for one/one support too if needed.  Karie offers a 30-45 minute FREE discovery call to help you customized and determine a specialized program is also a great fit for you. 

If you have a diagnosis or have specific health goals, know that this course will help you build a strong foundation but that Karie also welcomes the opportunity to connect and fine-tune your meal plans, etc. accordingly. 


What Does It Cost?

For less than a coffee a day, you get to invest in yourself in ways that will help you Nourish to Flourish in all areas of LIFE.

The Nourish To Flourish is a subscription plan, just like Netflix where you can:

  • register at any time
  • pay monthly or yearly
  • cancel at any time

As long as your subscription is active, you have access to all of the Community resources plus the Domino Diet Online Course.

Your Membership Includes

The Domino Diet On-Line Course
Rethinking Diets - Phase 1 

It All Starts
With Your Thoughts

- Your Healing Transformation

Learn to feel good about yourself again.

Click here if you are ready to join

A 4-Module Course with 12 easy steps  to get you started. 

The course should take 1-2 hours per week not including the live calls with Karie. 
Do 1 module per week or you can do a course-binge and get through all of it at one time.

Module 1 - Changing the Scoreboard with a New Formula

  • A Full-Spectrum Assessment
  • The Domino Diet Formula Overview
  • Laying the foundation:  going to the root
  • What appeared to work in our 20s-30s ...

Module 2 - Ending Food Battles

  • Carbs, Protein, Fat
  • Mind "Full" of Portion Distortion
  • Active Bites
  • Fill up on Fiber-The Sugar-Free Carb

Module 3 - Intuition Nutrition

  • The Power of The Pause
  • Metabolic Reset: Your Hunger Cues
  • Spacing and Meal Times:  Experiment
  • The Cravings Checklist
  • Cracking the Craving Code

Module 4 - Staying The Course

  • Supports, Partners in Believing
  • 120-Day RBC Healing Transformation
  • Weight Release From the Inside Out
  • Advanced Tips

Your course also includes:

  • A downloadable copy of Karie's book The Domino Diet
  • Meditations by Karie in audio format
  • Downloadable documents:
    • Checklists and Progress Trackers
    • Reflections and Gratitude Guide
    • Tips and Tricks
    • Recipes
    • Affirmations
    • Shopping guides and lists


Instant Registration Bonus
The Domino Diet Guidebook Self-Care Guide & Fitness Guidebook (Value-$197)
A pdf guidebook mood and food tracker plus links and attachments to support your journey in the weekly classes and through the week to help you stay on track.  

Session Gifted with Course Completion

Virtual Fitness / Yoga Tips and Planning Video Series  (Value-$167)

Discover the opportunities to incorporate activity in your day-to-day with easy moves for your optimal vitality that are approved by a fully certified Yoga instructor. You will also have access to specialties in restorative yoga, chair yoga and or other customized fitness tips.  

Sustain Results Session w/ Karie Cassell (Value-$157)
A 30-45 min session 1 to 1 session with Karie to support sustaining your results after you complete the course. Knowing the right fit for your lifestyle and nutritional needs is key to long-term success. Discover great opportunities for you and or family members. Ask about specific meal plans and disease management resources and programs.

The Domino Diet E-book & Meal Plan ($99 Value)

Receive Karie's #1Bestseller The Domino Diet: How to Heal You from the Inside Out plus the 7-Day Meal Plan with Recipes and Groceries List with Tips for healthy living.    

Access to Live Classes and Q&A Sessions ($3750.50 Value)

Once you are completely registered, you will have access to the Live Q&A sessions that are bi-weekly! Plus Karie offers plenty of bonus teachings like Label Reading Classes, Diabetes Management, Heart Health and more.

What luminaries are saying about THE DOMINO DIET and Karie Cassell

Mary Morrissey, Brave Thinking Institute

“A life-changing transformational coach and dietitian, unlocks the secret with a formula to create a wealth of health and success. Karie Cassell brings a twist of humor through stories and teachings that you will relate to and will create for your, long-lasting results.”

Mary Morrissey, Founder of Brave Thinking Institute

“I have always found Karie to be very passionate about the role of nutrition in health and chronic disease. She engages, encourages, and empowers her clientele in a holistic approach for a greater depth and breadth through her experience and teaching.”

Dr. Rob Burris, Specialist in Internal Medicine, MD

Rob Burris Internal Medicine
Susan Friedmann, Riches in Niches

Chock full of knowledge and wisdom, “The Domino Diet” course is a fresh new light into nutrition, diet, and health as a practical and powerful education to help you live a healthier life through a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection.

Susan Friedmann, CSP, International bestselling author of Riches in Niches: How to Make it BIG in a Small Market

“Karie Cassell is a brilliant intuitive Transformational Life Coach! Her experience as a Registered Dietitian and Life Coach is beautifully combined in The Domino Diet Course for people looking for a program that takes them beyond the symptom level to where it all starts for their best health with long lasting results.

Lin Yuan-Su, Success Coach, Registered Dietitian, Speaker

Ken Streater, Author

“From macronutrients and munchies to mindfulness and manifesting change, The Domino Diet reveals that food and outside forces aren’t what’s in charge of your health and healing alone; it’s an inside job. Karie brings back the word ‘diet’ in its original meaning: a way of life. This powerful course brings an inner pathway to greater health.”

Ken Streater, International Best-Selling Author of Be the Good and The Gift of Courage

To register for the Nourish to Flourish Community, choose one of the two options below

Membership  Monthly Payment


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Single Payment of $500 PER YEAR (SAVE $184)
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Meet Your Instructor, Karie Cassell


Karie Cassell is a “Wealth of Health” with a unique background as a Registered Dietitian with 40 years in both Traditional and Nontraditional medicine which gives a full spectrum approach to her programs.

After witnessing almost every diet trend imaginable and eventually facing her own health challenge, Karie began to notice more gaps in the flawed diet and health industry. Her passion to put the Heal back in Health, sent her on a quest to discover the missing pieces with her Life Mastery certification. 

Taking things beyond the symptom level to the root causes, Karie turned her own “mess into a message” and created a complete turnaround for individuals with a new formula in her programs and international bestseller- The Domino Diet: How to Heal You from the Inside Out. 


Karie is a “Dietitian on a Mission'' bringing you back to the true meaning of the word diet-from the Greek origin word Diata, meaning a way of life.  

Karie Cassell has the mind of an experienced dietitian and the heart of a transformational life coach who many call The Diata Diva–A way of Life of the Divine!   


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Enda A Costillo, Living Reality Dreams

Karie has brought her life experience as a dietitian and life coach into the Domino Diet Formula that helped me as a person who struggled with love-hate relationships with food and a diagnosis of breast cancer. I had so many aha moments working with Karie and I’m healing from the inside out never having to use old diets again! 

Enda A Costillo, Founder and CEO of Living Reality Dreams

I signed up with Karie. She not only helped me see the life I wanted but also helped me manifest a life of dreams I didn’t even know I had. My life has drastically changed and things fell into place–in all areas.   

Shannon Hinks, B. Comm. Health Practitioner

Shannon Hinks
Donna Howard, ABMNM, Life Mastery

Karie Cassell is an extraordinary author, teacher and dietitian. Her compassionate and enthusiastic approach to health and wellness helped me overcome my limitations. Her programs deliver an abundance of knowledge that anyone can benefit from.  

Donna Howald, ABMNM Practitioner, Life Mastery Consultant. California 

Karie is eager to be a nutritional guide with confidence, using a unique approach. Her supportive ways helped me to complete and surpass my goals. I am living my authentic life and building even more dreams by activating my intuitive eating and aligning with my body blueprint! 

David Dixon, Triathlete Team USA, Florida

David Dixon Triathlete Team USA
David Dixon Triathlete Team USA

 It’s time to end emotional eating and discover what  you truly crave to live your destiny. Kaire Cassell, will help you take your life back. Her inspiring, practical tools and activities through her course will help you unlock, unleash and uncover by Cracking the Craving Code! 

Patrick Snow, Publishing Coach and International Best-Selling Author of Creating Your Own Destiny and Boy Entrepreneur

Karie explains, the reason dieting doesn't work for releasing weight as the subconscious may try to find it again, leading to plateaus. When we trade the yo-yos for dominos, however, we find success from the inside out. Karie teaches that in 120 days, we can renew at cellular level with The Domino Diet Formula.

Tyler R. Tichelaar, PhD and award-winning author of Narrow Lives and The Best Place 

David Dixon Triathlete Team USA

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Join a community of likeminded individuals ready release old diet thinking and embrace a healing for a Nourish to Flourish Mindshift!

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