Biotin: The Beauty Vitamin

beauty biotin hair nails skin vitamin Jun 10, 2024
picture with the word biotin spinach and nuts

The Beauty of Biotin: Nourishing Mind, Body, and Spirit 

"Biotin is the diva's secret to lovely locks and radiant beauty, nourishing you from the inside out." 

Why I pack my meals with Biotin!  It was after i left my hair appointment with a CHOP instead of a TRIM!  Just to be clear, I wasn't looking for a chop ;)

I was born human first after all and the Diva in me was a little back and forth on embracing this new "DO".   Although I am a big promotor of living with vitality and I appreciate my hair probably needed revitalizing, I found myself vacillating between my desire of both my "Vitality & Vanity" too. 

Can you have both?   You bet you can!

Fortunately, the Dietitian in me knew just what to do for the shorter than desired hair Diva in me.

I crafted a menu with ready made meals loaded with Biotin and the locks began to grow back in quicker and thicker. Turns out, my hubbies did too-goodbye thinning hair! 


What is Biotin? 

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of our hair, skin, and nails. Often referred to as the "beauty vitamin," biotin is essential for converting food into energy and supporting various bodily functions. 


 The Role of Biotin 

  1. Hair Health:         Promotes healthy hair growth and strength. 
  1. Skin Health:         Supports clear, healthy skin by aiding in the production of fatty acids. 
  1. Nail Health:          Strengthens brittle nails and promotes growth. 
  1. Metabolism:         Helps convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy. 
  1. Nervous System: Supports nervous system function and cognitive health. 


How to take Biotin:  

Biotin is available in supplement form as an individual vitamin or often found in a B-complex or multivitamin but also found in foods (see my chart below).

 Daily Biotin Requirements and Foods High in Biotin


 Signs and Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency 

  1. Hair Loss: 

    Thinning hair or increased hair shedding. 

  1. Skin Issues: 

    Dry, scaly skin or rashes around the eyes, nose, and mouth. 

  1. Brittle Nails: 

    Weak or splitting nails. 

  1. Fatigue: 

    Feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. 

  1. Neurological Symptoms: 

    Tingling in the extremities, depression, or cognitive issues. 

* Some studies show Biotin may even help with managing symptoms in diabetes.


 Signs of Excess Biotin 

  1. Skin Rashes: 

    Red, itchy skin. 

  1. Digestive Issues: 

    Stomach upset or diarrhea. 

  1. Interference with Lab Tests: 

* High levels can affect certain blood test results* 




Biotin Loaded Power Bowl 

(levels of Biotin provided)



   1 cup quinoa, cooked (7 mcg)  


   1 cup spinach, raw (7 mcg) 

   1/2 cup broccoli, steamed (0.6 mcg) 

   1/2 cup sweet potato, roasted (1.2 mcg) 


   3 oz salmon, cooked (5 mcg) 


   1/4 avocado, sliced (0.5 mcg) 

   1/4 cup almonds, sliced (15 mcg) 

   1 tbsp sunflower seeds (2.6 mcg) 



   2 tbsp olive oil 

   1 tbsp lemon juice 

   Salt and pepper to taste 



  1. Prepare the Quinoa: 

    Rinse 1 cup of quinoa under cold water. 

    Combine quinoa with 2 cups of water in a pot. 

    Bring to a boil, then reduce to low heat, cover, and simmer for ~ 15 min, or until the water is absorbed. 

    Fluff with a fork and set aside. 


  1. Cook the Salmon: 

    Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). 

    Place a 3ounce salmon fillet on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. 

    Bake for 1215 minutes or until cooked through. 

    Let cool slightly and then flake into pieces. 


  1. Roast the Sweet Potatoes: 

    Peel and dice 1/2 cup of sweet potato. 

    Toss with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper. 

    Spread on a baking sheet and roast in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 20 minutes, or until tender. 


  1. Steam the Broccoli: 

    Steam 1/2 cup of broccoli until bright green and tender, about 57 minutes. 


  1. Assemble the Power Bowl: 

    In a large bowl, layer the quinoa as the base. 

    Add the spinach, broccoli, roasted sweet potato, and flaked salmon on top. 

    Add sliced avocado, almonds, and sunflower seeds as toppings. 


  1. Prepare the Dressing: 

    In a small bowl, whisk together 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, salt, and pepper. 


  1. Serve: 

    Drizzle the dressing over the assembled bowl. 

    Toss gently to combine all ingredients. 

    Serve immediately and enjoy! 


Total Biotin Content: 

 Approximately 38.9 mcg 

This power bowl is not only rich in biotin but also provides a balanced mix of proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, making it a perfect meal for sustained energy and overall health. 


 Nutritional Benefits 

 Quinoa: Provides protein and essential amino acids. 

 Spinach: High in vitamins A, C, and K. 

 Broccoli: Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

 Sweet Potato: Rich in beta carotene and fiber. 

 Salmon: Excellent source of omega3 fatty acids and protein. 

 Avocado: Provides healthy fats and additional vitamins. 

 Almonds and Sunflower Seeds: Offer healthy fats, protein, and additional fiber. 


Biotin Rich Recipe:

Biotin Boost Smoothie 


 1 cup spinach (7 mcg) 

 1 medium avocado (2 mcg) 

 1/4 cup almonds (15 mcg) 

 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (optional, adds protein) 

 1 banana 

 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 

 1 tbsp sunflower seeds (2.6 mcg) 

 1 tbsp chia seeds (optional, adds fiber and omega3) 



  1. Add all ingredients to a blender. 
  2. Blend until smooth. 
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy! 


Total Biotin Content: 

 Approximately 26.6 mcg 

 This smoothie is not only packed with biotin but also loaded with other essential nutrients that support overall health. 



Biotin is a key nutrient for maintaining the health of your hair, skin, and nails. By incorporating biotin rich foods into your diet, you can ensure that you meet your daily requirements and support your body’s vital functions.  AND for the Diva or Divo in you, you can have your Vitality & Vanity too!

For more information on how to include biotin in your diet and additional health tips, click the photo provided here and continue your journey to Nourish and Flourish!



Reach out to Karie for more individualized tips for your Vitality & Vanity ways to Nourish to Flourish You!   




Bestselling Author
Phone: 780-814-2983
[email protected]

 Click here to discover THE DOMINO DIET 





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