"Active Bites" Add Up! active active after meals excercise habits intervals step converter weight Jun 13, 2024

It All Adds Up!

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding time for lengthy exercise sessions can be challenging. However, research shows that breaking up your physical activity into smaller intervals throughout the day can be just as beneficial as completing it all at once. These shorter...

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Your "Portion Distortion" Swap eating out flexitarian meal compare portion supersize Jun 10, 2024

Swaps to save your "Rear"

It's not all your fault!  Firstly, we are all suspectable to "Portion Distortion", at home or eating out, it's our GENES!  Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the gene response called the Fight-Flight, it allowed us to survive and still does...

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Turn Smoothies into Bowls healthy ice cream substitute nutritious meal recipe smoothie summer Jun 10, 2024

Healthy & Creamy 

Craving Ice cream? Discover a way to enjoy the smoothy creamy textures of ice cream by using frozen yogurt and or fruit and turn your smoothie into a delicious nutritious bowl. Top with crunch (nuts, seeds, chia) and drizzle with chocolate or honey. Suffice any craving...

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Biotin: The Beauty Vitamin beauty biotin hair nails skin vitamin Jun 10, 2024

The Beauty of Biotin: Nourishing Mind, Body, and Spirit 

"Biotin is the diva's secret to lovely locks and radiant beauty, nourishing you from the inside out." 

Why I pack my meals with Biotin!  It was after i left my hair appointment with a CHOP instead of a TRIM!  Just...

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From Apples to Zucchini Storing chia fiber prepare ahead produce storing vegetables Jun 03, 2024

The ABCs of Storing Produce


Properly storing fruits and vegetables can make all the difference in keeping them fresh, tasty, and nutritious. From apples to zucchini, each produce item has unique storage needs. Understanding these can help you minimize waste, save money, and enjoy fresh...

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Snacks for A Better Sleep muscle cramps restless legs sleep sleep snacks May 29, 2024

10 Healthy Bedtime Snacks for A Better Sleep 

 Waking up in the middle of the night? Restless Legs? You may be low in fuel!

Your heart pumps 24/7, your lungs, digestion, immune systems, and more....all continue operating while you sleep.  If you're tank is low, your body may be...

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Your Sleeping Beauty caffeine sleep sleep snacks May 25, 2024

Your Sleeping Beauty: Tips for a Restful Night

Sleep can become more elusive than finding the perfect pair of jeans. Between hot flashes, a worried mind, too much coffee, restless legs, and a snoring partner, getting a good night's sleep can seem like a fairy tale. But fear not, Sleeping...

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Pre-Diabetes vs. Diabetes May 24, 2024


Pre-Diabetes & Diabetes: Lowering Risks

I have specialized in diabetes for about 20 years.  I like to day, the more you know about diabetes, the more empowered you can be to keep the symptoms at bay.  To me it's like a FIRE.  The sooner you detect it and put it out, the...

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