Healthy Bento Lunches for Adults & Kids adutls bento box dairy free general healthy gluten free healthy lunch kids nut free under 500 calories Aug 25, 2024

5-Healthy Adult Lunch and Bento Box Ideas (Under 500 Calories)

  1. Mediterranean Quinoa Bowl
  • Ingredients: Quinoa, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, olives, feta cheese, and a drizzle of olive oil with lemon juice.
  • Side: Whole wheat pita bread and hummus.
  • Benefits: Balanced with...
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Vitamin D from Sun to Soul inflamation sunshine vitamin vitamin d Aug 21, 2024

Vitamin D from Sun to Soul  

Vitamin D, aka the "sunshine vitamin," is essential for our overall health. We’re all human, but our needs for vitamin D can differ based on where we live, our skin type, and our lifestyle. Understanding this crucial vitamin can help ensure we get enough to...

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Confessions of a Dietitian dietician dietitian health coach health professional life coach nutritionist Aug 15, 2024

Confessions of A Dietitian

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.”

B.K.S. Iyengar

You become what you think, and you are what you eat but did you know, you become how you breathe too? Like a domino effect, thoughts, activate a breathing pattern switching...

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Vitamin K Essentials coumadin vitamin k warfarin Jul 31, 2024


Vitamin K: Essentials

What is Vitamin K?

Vitamin K, the not so often talked about nutrient, is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for blood clotting, bone health, and other bodily functions. It comes in two main forms: K1 (phylloquinone), found in plant foods, and K2...

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10 Delicious Nutritious Herbs & Recipes herbs Jul 30, 2024

10 Tasty Herbs for Delicious Dishes and Global Cuisine

Herbs not only enhance the flavor of dishes but also offer various nutritional benefits.

 10 Tasty Herbs, their nutritional value, and suggested ways to use them in recipes. Plus, Healthy Recipes


  1. Basil

- Nutritional...

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Fill Up on Fiber: The Sugar-Free Carb blood sugars cholesterol fiber weight loss Jul 29, 2024

Fill Up on Fiber: The Sugar-Free Carb

What to Have More of in Your Diet:  Focusing on incorporating more nutritious elements into your diet can be a positive and effective approach to achieving better health. Rather than concentrating on what to avoid, emphasize what you can add for a...

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Does Size Matter? healthy size shape weight Jul 25, 2024

Does Size Matter?

As a dietitian with 30 years of experience, I can attest that health comes in all shapes and sizes. I've seen people who are healthy at every size and others who are unhealthy regardless of their size. What is considered normal and healthy has become a moving target. Health...

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Can Diets Do All the Heavy Lifting? diet long-term mental health mind body spirit Jul 25, 2024

Can Diets Do All the Heavy Lifting?

"Diet alone is like a house with one wall; it can't provide all the stability and support needed to weather the storms

Is your diet doing all the heavy lifting? Most popular diets solely focus on the body. In my opinion, expecting the diet to do all the heavy...

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